Youth communication

24 February 2012
Health and Wellbeing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Teens Calling Mom And Dad… Recipe For Harmony?

15 February 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
For Kids, Dental Health Takes a Back Seat to Brand Popularity

8 February 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
“The Nag Factor” – Kids in American Cities Beg For “As-Seen-On-TV” Stuff

1 February 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Making Sense of Teenagers… Or at Least Their Shopping

25 January 2012
Health and Wellbeing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication
“Brain Games” Help Make Kids Smarter

20 January 2012
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Does Showing Calories on Fast Food Menus Actually do Anything?

20 December 2011
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
”Pester Power”: Kids Asking For Unhealthy Food, And How Parents Deal With it

20 December 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
How Kids See Cartoon Characters in Commercials: Friends or Advertisers?

16 December 2011
Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Same Old Story, New Technology: Videoconferencing And Reading as a Family

15 December 2011
Youth communication
Politics in The Digital Age: Young People’s Political Engagement Mirrors Online Media Use

9 December 2011
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Not Just For Nerds—Communicating Online Strengthens Teens’ Social Lives

30 November 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Silly Advertiser: Carrots Are For Rabbits!

29 November 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
“Ad Alerts” in Online Games Shrink Advertising Effects on Kids

25 November 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Kids Love Cartoon Characters—They Sell Fruit as Well as Candy

21 November 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Three Fundamental Keys to Successful Viral Marketing Over Mobile Phones

10 November 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Brands Fare Better in Non-Violent Videogames

1 November 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Ads For Healthy Food Can Change Kids’ Unhealthy Food Choices

1 November 2011
Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Social Networking—With Robots?

24 October 2011
Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Slow And Steady Wins The Race: Preschoolers Get The Most Out of TV Shows That Teach Slowly And in Story Form

20 October 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication