Youth communication

11 June 2013
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
'Wow! Is that Me?' Facebook Profiles Boost Young Adults' Self-Esteem

6 June 2013
Social media, Youth communication
How Peers Influence Teens’ Responses To YouTube Videos

4 June 2013
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Urban Kids Most Often Ask for Advertised Products

30 May 2013
Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Rich Mother-Child Play Interaction? Not While Playing With Flashy Toys

28 May 2013
Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Wonder, Think, Feel, Imagine: Educational TV Show 'Play School' Stimulates Positive Play

23 May 2013
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
How Classmates Can Influence Teens’ Cyberbullying Behavior

21 May 2013
Social media, Youth communication
Does Facebook Make High School Students Smarter?

16 May 2013
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Children’s Difficulties With Understanding of Sponsorship in Theme Parks

14 May 2013
Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Sesame Street Stimulates Early Childhood Learning Around the World

10 May 2013
Media technology and AI, Youth communication
E-books Improve Students’ Learning Experience

8 May 2013
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Computer Programs Useful Tool For Parents’ Sex Talk With Their Children

2 May 2013
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Anti-Cyberbullying Messages on Facebook: Most Successful With a Positive Tone

30 April 2013
Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Students Often Distracted by Communication Technologies While Studying

25 April 2013
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Stimulating Healthy Eating? Threat More Effective Than Fun

23 April 2013
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
TV Advertising Leads to Materialism Among Children

18 April 2013
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
The Enchanting Effect of Fantasy Appeals in Food Commercials

16 April 2013
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Only a Fairytale? Disney Movies Portray High Levels of Prosocial Behavior

11 April 2013
Youth communication
What Personality Says About Virtual Game Play Motives

9 April 2013
Health and Wellbeing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Prosocial and Educational Television Shows Reduce Aggression in Preschoolers

4 April 2013
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication