Advertising and Marketing

10 March 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
How “Cooties” Affect Advertising: Kids Don’t Like Mixing Girls’ And Boys’ Stuff

15 February 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
For Kids, Dental Health Takes a Back Seat to Brand Popularity

8 February 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
“The Nag Factor” – Kids in American Cities Beg For “As-Seen-On-TV” Stuff

1 February 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Making Sense of Teenagers… Or at Least Their Shopping

20 December 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
How Kids See Cartoon Characters in Commercials: Friends or Advertisers?

30 November 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Silly Advertiser: Carrots Are For Rabbits!

29 November 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
“Ad Alerts” in Online Games Shrink Advertising Effects on Kids

25 November 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Kids Love Cartoon Characters—They Sell Fruit as Well as Candy

21 November 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Three Fundamental Keys to Successful Viral Marketing Over Mobile Phones

10 November 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Brands Fare Better in Non-Violent Videogames

1 November 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Ads For Healthy Food Can Change Kids’ Unhealthy Food Choices

20 October 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Custom Interactive Options Give Brands More Bang

19 October 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Scared Healthy: How to Get Kids to Eat Better Food

18 October 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
The Truth Hurts: Disclaimers About Airbrushing Wound Teen Body Image

4 October 2011
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication