Advertising and Marketing

21 February 2013
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Kids Prefer Eating Food Products That Make Them Look Cool at School

12 February 2013
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
War of the Dolls: Barbies Most Owned, Bratz Most Wanted

31 January 2013
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Food Advertising Self-Regulation: A Mere Formality?

24 January 2013
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Obese Children Turned on by Fast Food Logos

22 January 2013
Advertising and Marketing, Social media, Youth communication
Why Students Play Social Network Games – or Not

17 January 2013
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Internet Savvy Children Reveal More Personal Information to Online Advertisers

24 December 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Parents Open For Children’s Christmas Requests

21 December 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Why Parents Buy The Christmas Gifts They Buy

19 December 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Parents Choose Products for Christmas, not Brand Names

17 December 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
TV Commercials Source of Inspiration For British Children’s Wish Lists

14 December 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Children’s Christmas Wishes Crisp and Clear

12 December 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Letters to Santa – Understanding Chilean Children’s Wish Lists

10 December 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
All They Want For Christmas – Is Brands

7 December 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Younger Kids And Girls More Likely to Ask For Advertised Toys on Their Christmas Wish Lists

3 December 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Watching TV Stimulates Preschoolers' Requests to Father Christmas

1 December 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Putting a Price on Christmas? A Kid’s Wish List Adds up to $272 on Average

20 November 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Regulation of Unhealthy Food Advertising Has Minimal Impact

15 November 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Most Online Ads Unnoticed by Teens

25 October 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Unchallenging Advergames: The Biggest Pitfall to Success

23 October 2012
Advertising and Marketing, Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication