Advertising and Marketing

8 February 2024
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Communicating climate change. The two emotional responses you should anticipate

13 September 2023
Advertising and Marketing, Social media, Corporate communication
The Emoji Etiquette: Mastering brand communication on social media

22 December 2021
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication
Animal loss caused by climate change motivates children to turn off the light

1 December 2021
Advertising and Marketing, Social media, Health and Wellbeing
The connection between influencer and follower is crucial in healthy food promotion

5 November 2021
Advertising and Marketing, Social media, Youth communication
Influencers can make teens aware of online video sponsoring

16 September 2021
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing
Getting healthy food images to stick in young people’s minds? Try using strategies from snack ads!

15 February 2021
Advertising and Marketing, Media policy
How the design of cookie pop-ups manipulates our choices

18 May 2020
Advertising and Marketing, Social media, Youth communication
Disclosures do not always make influencer marketing more transparent to children

5 March 2020
Advertising and Marketing, Social media, Youth communication
Disclosure makes influencer marketing more transparant for children - but is that enough?

3 February 2020
Advertising and Marketing, Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Lifestyle and entertainment
Two thirds of popular instagram influencers post about alcohol

27 November 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication, Media policy
Growing up in an emerging consumer society: Does advertising make Bulgarian kids materialistic?

13 November 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Media policy
Opting out of personalized ads: what motivates people to take action?

23 October 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
How a poster campaign influences conscious and unconscious thoughts on alcohol

4 September 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication, Media policy
Warning, sponsored content! Adolescents discuss influencer marketing

31 July 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
An influencer as your selling friend: what children think of advertising in vlogs

10 July 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Lifestyle and entertainment, Media policy
Stereotypes Still Prevail in Award-Winning Commercials

3 July 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication, Media policy
Healthy food porn – Using strategies from the snack world to create healthy cravings

3 May 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Youth communication, Media policy
Does Sex Sell? Men Don’t Remember Brands Advertised through Sex Appeals

18 April 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Media policy
Paying With Your Privacy For Using Mobile Apps

11 April 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Media policy
Revealing Yourself To Online Companies: Why Would You?

18 March 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI
How To Design a Location-Based Mobile Ad That Does Not Feel Creepy?

31 January 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI
Four Strategies to Increase Sales of Virtual Goods in Virtual Worlds

28 January 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication, Media policy