Social media

30 March 2016
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Like an Open (Face)Book - Teens With Larger Networks Feel Posting Regret More Often

23 March 2016
Social media, Youth communication
Untagging On Facebook? Find Out Which Teens Untag Themselves The Most

10 March 2016
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication
Teens’ Online and Offline Social Relations Relate to Their Self-Image

22 October 2015
Advertising and Marketing, Social media, Youth communication
How Young Adults Respond to Personalized Ads on Facebook

4 December 2014
Social media, Youth communication
What Kids Like on the Web -- Boys and Girls' Favorite Sites

13 November 2014
Social media, Youth communication
The New Generation Keeps up With News Through Social Media

25 September 2014
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Social Network-Based Health Interventions - State-of-the-Science

4 September 2014
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
“Friends Make Quitting Smoking Easier” - How an Anti-Smoking Intervention Uses Facebook For Social Support

20 June 2014
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
How Party Pics on Social Media Stimulate Teens’ Smoking and Drinking Behavior

19 March 2014
Social media, Media technology and AI, Youth communication
How Students Actually use Their Computer

20 February 2014
Social media, Youth communication
Social Media Play Important Role In Young Adult’s Political Engagement

18 February 2014
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
High Internet Activity Equals Low Physical Activity

23 January 2014
Social media, Youth communication
Twitter Does Not Enhance Students’ Learning Experiences

17 December 2013
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Facebook Photo Activities Linked to Body Dissatisfaction

7 November 2013
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Facebook Use Linked to Feelings of Unhappiness

3 October 2013
Social media, Youth communication
To Quit or Not to Quit? Young Adults’ Reasons for Leaving Facebook

5 September 2013
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
How Social Network Sites Influence Teens’ Body Image

2 September 2013
Social media, Youth communication
Do Parental Media Restrictions Influence Children’s Social Media Consumption Later in Life?

20 August 2013
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Social Network Sites Linked to Closer Parent-Child Relationships

3 July 2013
Social media, Youth communication