My Topics

Health and Wellbeing

1 May 2014
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Health Benefits of a Critical Attitude Toward TV Ads

10 April 2014
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Video Games Can Help Kids Signaling Strokes

1 April 2014
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Television Shapes Girls Attitude Toward Sex

13 March 2014
Health and Wellbeing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication

Preschoolers Who Watch a Lot of TV Have Less Control over Their Behavior

6 March 2014
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

The Healthiness of Feeling Cared About

4 March 2014
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Cell Phone Use Relates to Lower School Grades and Wellbeing

27 February 2014
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Early Experiences With Violence Desensitize Young Adults to Media Violence

26 February 2014
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Exergames as Effective as Traditional Physical Activities

18 February 2014
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

High Internet Activity Equals Low Physical Activity

13 February 2014
Health and Wellbeing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication

Playing With Others Makes Exergames More Fun And Successful

16 January 2014
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

The Importance of Online Sport Buddies For Exergame Success

9 January 2014
Health and Wellbeing, Media technology and AI, Youth communication

“If They Bully, I’ll Bully Too”: How Social Norms Relate To Teens’ Cyberbullying Behavior

7 January 2014
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Exergames as a Sport Activity in Schools

19 December 2013
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

How Toddlers Learn From Prosocial Screen Media

17 December 2013
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Facebook Photo Activities Linked to Body Dissatisfaction

12 December 2013
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Seven Benefits of Gaming

3 December 2013
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Vegetable-Promoting Picture Books Improve Kids’ Eating

28 November 2013
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

How Anti-Drug Campaigns Can Boomerang

26 November 2013
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Five Take-Aways From Research on Obesity-Reducing Videogames

18 November 2013
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication

Over Three Billion Food and Beverage Brands in Popular Movies