Bitefile Tablets and Education
Tablets can be a fruitful education tool for education. Specifically, tablets are useful because:
- kids quickly learn how to use a tablet;
- tablets enhance kids’ engagement during reading and math classes;
- tablets make learning more attractive and easier for kids;
- tablets make working together on assignments easier for students;
- e-books on tablets and traditional print books are equally effective for learning.
- Kids learn real life problem-solving skills using tablets.
- Preschoolers (3-5 y/o) improve their literacy skills, such as better letter sound knowledge and name writing skills, when they have access to tablets at home.
- Kids (4-6 y/o) improve their vocabulary when their parents read to them from interactive e-books on tablets.
- However, the amount of time that kids spend on a tablet is no indication for better literacy skills.
- High school students are more positive, learn better and more about the educational content when they use an e-book.
For the tablet to be a successful education tool in the classroom, it is important:
- to use applications that trigger kids’ imagination and creativity;
- to link the interactive elements in e-books directly to the storyline. Otherwise, the interactivity can be a distraction to kids;
- to give definitions of difficult words in e-books, as this will improve kids’ vocabulary even more;
- that schools and teachers plan the use of iPads in the class thoroughly, as sometimes it can also be a distraction to the lessons.
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