Marlies Förster
Marlies Förster is an author for Bitescience, searching and selecting interesting studies and writing Bitescience Research Updates. She studied Management of International Social Challenges (BSc.) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is currently an intern the knowledge management department at Porsche Consulting in Stuttgart, Germany.

8 February 2024
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Communicating climate change. The two emotional responses you should anticipate

11 December 2023
Media technology and AI
I cannot believe my eyes! The top 5 emotions people feel using AI

6 November 2023
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Game on! Tackling teen obesity through sports

13 September 2023
Advertising and Marketing, Social media, Corporate communication
The Emoji Etiquette: Mastering brand communication on social media

27 March 2023
Youth communication, Media technology and AI
Signs of progress: How Artificial Intelligence can unlock the language of the silent

13 January 2023
Social media