Media technology and AI

24 April 2024
Social media, Media technology and AI
The little spy by my side... How teens perceive algorithms on social media

20 March 2024
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication, Media technology and AI
Online communication is a promising source for the design of social network interventions

11 December 2023
Media technology and AI
I cannot believe my eyes! The top 5 emotions people feel using AI

27 March 2023
Youth communication, Media technology and AI
Signs of progress: How Artificial Intelligence can unlock the language of the silent

31 January 2023
Social media, Media technology and AI, Political communication
You won’t believe what Obama says in this video! How deep fakes spread uncertainty

9 December 2020
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication, Media technology and AI
Active teens, happy teens?

27 August 2020
Media technology and AI
A simple task to assess the human-likeness of chatbots

6 November 2019
Social media, Media technology and AI
Smartphone apps are rewarding, but do not hijack your mind

16 October 2019
Media technology and AI
We want to protect robots that look like us and can feel like us

11 September 2019
Media technology and AI, Corporate communication
A chatbot as a social skills teacher?

30 August 2019
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication, Media technology and AI
Finding the Most Effective Peer Influencers Using Computer Simulations

12 June 2019
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication, Media technology and AI
Healthy eating through gaming?

22 March 2019
Media technology and AI, Journalism and news
When Does an Infographic Say More Than a Thousand Words?

18 March 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI
How To Design a Location-Based Mobile Ad That Does Not Feel Creepy?

28 February 2019
Media technology and AI, Journalism and news
‘See for yourself’: Involving Audiences With 360-degree News Videos

4 February 2019
Media technology and AI
Cool or creepy? A Computer Algorithm That Knows Your Interpersonal Stance From The Way You Speak

1 February 2019
Health and Wellbeing, Media technology and AI
Developing An Emotional Support Chatbot Using the Knowledge of the Crowd

31 January 2019
Media technology and AI
Developing a Serious Game That Helps Elderly To Protect Themselves Against Doorstep Scams

31 January 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI
Four Strategies to Increase Sales of Virtual Goods in Virtual Worlds

28 January 2019
Media technology and AI
Persuasive games are promising to have social impact, but success is not guaranteed!

28 January 2019
Social media, Media technology and AI
Receiving An SMS Feels Distracting, But Does Not Lead To Worse Performance

28 January 2019
Media technology and AI
Training With A Virtual Reality Application Can Help De-escalate Aggression In Public Transport

23 January 2019
Media technology and AI, Media policy