Paul Ketelaar
Paul Ketelaar is a senior-assistant professor of Communication and Influence at the Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands. His research focuses mainly on the effectiveness of digital innovations such as personalized communication, virtual and augmented reality in healthcare and commerce, and on privacy related issues. In addition to his research and educational activities, Paul aims at bridging the academy-society divide. Next to his contributions for Bitescience he blogs about digital innovations for SWOCC.

12 June 2019
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication, Media technology and AI
Healthy eating through gaming?

18 March 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI
How To Design a Location-Based Mobile Ad That Does Not Feel Creepy?

28 February 2019
Media technology and AI, Journalism and news
‘See for yourself’: Involving Audiences With 360-degree News Videos

23 January 2019
Media technology and AI, Media policy
When Even Your Smartphone Violates Your Privacy

23 January 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Social media