Marisa Stein
As an author for Bitescience, Marisa Stein is searching for and selecting interesting studies which she summarizes in Bitescience Research Updates. She acquired a bachelor’s degree in psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam (BSc.) and is currently doing a research master’s in Psychology (MSc.) at the University of Leiden. Besides her studies, she is working as a research assistant for the Movez Network, Vital Cities and Citizens (VCC), and the Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities (EGSH).

4 June 2024
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
#WIEIAD - The influence of TikTok food diaries on young people’s body image

24 April 2024
Social media, Media technology and AI
The little spy by my side... How teens perceive algorithms on social media

20 March 2024
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication, Media technology and AI
Online communication is a promising source for the design of social network interventions

31 January 2023
Social media, Media technology and AI, Political communication