Gabi Schaap
Gabi Schaap is Assistant Professor at the Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University, the Netherlands. His research focuses on the (cognitive) effects of digital technology, such as how screen time, media multitasking, or using devices as 'extended mind' affect learning, executive functions, or academic performance. He also studies the impact of decision making by Artificial Intelligence on public attitudes and perceptions.

21 January 2021
Health and Wellbeing, Journalism and news
Can people separate fact from fiction in the COVID-19 pandemic?

19 February 2020
Health and Wellbeing, Journalism and news
Do people believe what they want to believe? Scientific facts matter!

4 December 2019
Journalism and news, Political communication
SCANDAL: does scandalization of political news result in political cynicism?

28 February 2019
Media technology and AI, Journalism and news
‘See for yourself’: Involving Audiences With 360-degree News Videos

31 January 2019
Youth communication, Journalism and news
Getting Youth Hooked On News By Using Storytelling?

23 January 2019
Journalism and news
Second Screen with News Programs? Not a Good Idea

22 January 2019
Political communication