Daniëlle Bleize
Daniëlle Bleize is a PhD Candidate at the Communication and Media research group at the Behavioural Science Institute (Radboud University, the Netherlands). Her research is broadly situated around social identity processes and computer-mediated communication. Currently, her research focuses on how social psychological processes and affordances of contemporary media may explain cyber aggression in early adolescents’ messaging apps.

22 March 2021
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Reduce Online Aggressive Behaviors Among Teens? Make Them Feel Accountable!

2 March 2021
Social media, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Why do teens forward nasty messages on WhatsApp?

2 July 2020
Health and Wellbeing, Lifestyle and entertainment
Does playing team-based video games make people more prosocial?

31 January 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Media technology and AI