Barbara Müller
Barbara Müller is an Assistant Professor on health communication at the Behavioural Science Institute at the Radboud University, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on investigating the underlying mechanisms of human/robot interactions, which factors improve these interactions, and how robots and digital agents can be used to communicate health messages efficiently. Besides working at the university, she finished the professional training in Psychosynthesis at the Dutch Institute for Psychosynthesis in Hilversum.

27 August 2020
Media technology and AI
A simple task to assess the human-likeness of chatbots

23 October 2019
Advertising and Marketing, Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
How a poster campaign influences conscious and unconscious thoughts on alcohol

16 October 2019
Media technology and AI
We want to protect robots that look like us and can feel like us

2 October 2019
Health and Wellbeing, Lifestyle and entertainment
Food for Thought: Stimulating Vegetarian Choices in a Restaurant Menu

28 January 2019
Health and Wellbeing, Youth communication
Students Drink Less Alcohol When They Persuade Themselves To Do So

23 January 2019
Media technology and AI
Making older adults perceive digital agents in serious games as human-like is harder than expected

5 October 2017
Youth communication